‘Tis the Season! We are gearing up for one of the most special seasons of the year! Plan now to get plugged in with one of the many upcoming events this Christmas season here at Sayre First Baptist. You and your family are cordially invited to each one, we hope to see you in church!
November 29th - Sayre Christmas Parade at 3 pm for those participating. Parade start time is 6:30 pm.
November 30th – Decorating for Christmas at 10 am.
December 13th – Table Decorating for Thanks-Mas at 6 pm.
December 14th – Christmas Caroling at Sayre Personal Care Center at 3pm.
December 15th – Thanks-Mas Sunday! Join us for a special day of Christmas Worship starting at 11 am as we gather for a Christmas Music Program entitled “God So Loved the World” with Laurie Shelton of Ithaca, NY, a special Bible Message from Pastor Robert Nacci, a traditional Thanksgiving-Christmas Dinner, and White Elephant Gift Exchange following Morning Worship. For the gift exchange please plan to bring a wrapped gift, no more than $20 in value, to participate in the game. In the evening there will be a Hymn Sing entitled Carols of Christmas at 5 pm.
December 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5 pm. Candlelight Service and Worship, Cookie Fellowship, Missionary Christmas Offering, and a Gift for all kids in attendance.
December 31st - New Year's Eve Fellowship at 6 pm.
For more information or to schedule transportation, please call 570-888-2237 or e-mail us at info@firstbaptistsayre.org for more details!