Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the button below.

Thank you for visiting the online portal for giving to First Baptist Church. This has been activated as a way to give offerings. Together, our offerings will enable us to retain our properties and staff, keep missionaries active, and still reach out to a hurting community.

“…for all things come of thee, and of thine own have we given thee.”
I Chronicles 29:14 

We would like to remind our members and regular attendees to remember the financial responsibilities that we have as a church. We still must pay for our utilities, Missionary support, and other essentials. You may also mail your tithes and offerings to the church. Please do not send cash - checks and money orders only - and note how you would like your giving to be disbursed (tithes, missions, benevolence, or any special giving that you designate).

Please note: To designate to a particular Fund (General, Missions, Benevolence, Building, or Special) please use the Memo Box on the Giving Form to make those Designations. If no Designation is made, all Funds will be deposited into the General Fund. Please also note that all designations are non-binding suggestions and that in accordance with IRS regulation, designated contributions to Missionaries or any other individual or ministry is not tax-deductible.